1. 1. Robbins, Gary. "UCSD camera lens can see everyone in a stadium." U-T San Diego 22 June 2012. Web. 28 June 2011.
In a project led by Duke University, UC San Diego has helped to develop a lens for a camera that can take 1-gigapixel images of large spaces. The project is funded by U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and designed primarily for 'surveillance, wildlife observation and sports coverage.' The article is written in a plain style with ample use of quotations.
2. Finnegan, Matthew. "Pigment discovery makes biological chips possible." TechEye.net 27 June 2012. Web. 28 June 2012.
Scientists from the University of Queensland believe that melanin could bridge electronics and human biology because of its ability to switch electrical charges from electrons, essential to electronics, to ions, essential to human biological functioning, and vice versa. The article is a dense summary of information, and written in a straightforward style.
3. Gaudin, Sharon "Google looks to make science fiction real with Glasses." Computerworld 28 June 2012. Web. 28 June 2012.
Google has launched their glasses, wearable computers that are equipped with a processor, memory, cameras, microphones and speakers. The glasses will sell for $1,500 at first, but then Sergey Brin, the co-founder and CEO of Google, is optimistic that they will be offered to the general public for a lower price in 2014. The article is a summary of an interview with Brin that is rich in quotations.
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