Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Annotated Links #2: Science (Fiction)

1. O'Neil, Lauren. "Google brain simulator learns to identify cats on the internet." CBC 26 June 2012. Web. 27 June 2012.

All about a "Google Brain" that can recognize a cat after constructing the concept of the animal from randomly viewed YouTube videos. This piece of technology, consisting of 16,000 computer processors, was developed by Google's X Laboratory, the research facility responsible for augmented reality glasses, self-driving cars, and a slew of other projects involving computer programming. It is written in a straightforward fashion, and is a fine example of classic, mostly objective reporting.

2. Linster, The. "The best women authors of science fiction and fantasy: Who's on your list?" After Ellen 25 June 2012. Web. 27 June 2012.

This article presents a list of six of the best female fantasy/science fiction writers inspired by a list commemorating Octavia Butler's 65th birthday that can be found at Flavorwire. The list ranges from Octavia Butler to J.K. Rowling, presenting the highlights of each author's work. The article is written in a casual style that makes regular use of the first person.

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Check back here tomorrow for an editorial on some of the newest news, and on Friday for a hunt for the good in Wrath of the Titans.

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