Thursday, August 2, 2012

Annotated Links #13: Japan in Art and Quirk

1. Bennett, Lennie. "Art deco exhibit at Ringling Museum illuminates Japan's lost decades." Tampa Bay Times 22 July 2012. Web. 2 August 2012.

Bennett describes the contents of the "Deco Japan: Shaping Art and Culture, 1920-45" exhibition and gives a brief history, explanation, and context of the movement in Japan. However, Bennett doesn't include what the remaining two stops of the exhibition are or for how much longer the exhibition will be staying at the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art. Bennett writes in the style of an informative account of visiting the exhibition.

This article is included because of the obscurity of its subject matter - I had no idea that there was a significant and culture-changing art movement in Japan after World War I and during World War II.

2. Elwood, Kate. "CULTURAL CONUNDRUMS/Cultural facets of Cupid's arrow." Daily Yomiuri Online 30 July 2012. Web. 2 August 2012.

Elwood gives a history of Japanese romance novels, including how they "blossomed out of Western seeds" in the 70s and 80s, and how Sanrio started its "New Romance" line for domestically written romances in 1982. She also summarizes a comparative study of Western harlequin and Japanese romance stories written during the 70s and 80s. According to the study, the most marked differences found in Japanese romance novels are that female leads are generally stronger, and that the hardships involve social restrictions that keep love from being widely accepted rather than love itself.

This article is included here because because it gives a good look at the differences in the romance genre, and thus in two cultures romantic ideals.

3. Liebl, Lance. "Giant dancing Japanese robot women in bras will be the end of us." GameZone 27 July 2012. Web. 2 August 2012.

Liebl reports on a restaurant in Tokyo that features robotic female torsos on giant mech-legs, operated by women in bikinis. His article includes a live link to the original picture album on The Chive. It also Includes a short youtube video of a man tinkering with one of the robots.

This article is included here because it's an example of Japan's well-known quirkiness, something that I find utterly fascinating.

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Tomorrow, join me for Pt. 1 of All-Request August, featuring a search for the superb in Plan 9 From Outer Space!

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