Recorded,edited, and uploaded all of the missing translation recordings (over at Tongues in Jars);
All of the Beowulf recordings have been edited. However, after a little bit of poking around and double checking I realized that I have about as much as I had to do for the Beowulf recordings left to do with Isidore's Etymologies. This discovery is a minor setback, but it means that this item gets another two days on this list.
- Created and posted a hyperlinked portfolio page on these blogs; Hyperlinks will be up by the end of the week.
- Sent out two short stories to magazines; With some feedback in hand, and my own fresh take on one story in particular, it's clear that I need to do some editing. Once that's finished I'll decide whether to push forward with it or to put it through another round of pre-readers. The second story is locked away in a notebook, waiting for some keys.
- Outlined the entirety of the fantasy novel that I'm currently writing; I still intend to sprinkle reading this throughout my editing slog.
- Completed five of those chapters; Without a plan, my ideas for these chapters are so nebulous that I can't yet grasp their form.
- Completed the next act (four scenes) of an audio drama I'm working on; The plan is to finish the draft I have of one of the scenes, do some outlining to get a better sense of where the plot of this audio drama is going, and then to just motor through the next three scenes. As far as plans go, it's a good one, and I'll soon see how it pans out.
For some of my writing about video games check out my examiner page.
And, don't miss this Friday's quest for the positive qualities of In the Name of the King.
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